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Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

SkyDriver For WinXP & Win7 2012

Mark considering the figure of individuals predominance wish of drivers, but take on not comprehend the hardware they custom the prenomen and comedy, or are unenergetic to unlatched the cardigan of Computer / Laptop for crave to recognize what hardware is installed importance sensible.

First off Available Sky Driver, a Driver who

Retouch foto studio portrait

Retouching the background

Here is the original image. As a photo it looks fine but it looks flat and boring. This Photoshop tutorial will show you techniques used to make the photo have a stronger impact. You can follow this tutorial with one of your own image or you can use the image below:

Creating the mask

Teknik retouch foto bagi pemula

In this tutorial, I will show you 5 very simple, however very important techniques for Photoshop beginners when it comes to photo retouch. You will discover how easy it is to add more contrast and depths to the image to make it look better. This tutorial is really simple but effective, Have a try!

We will take a random image and apply those 5 techniques to enhance the overall effect of the photo. Here is a summary of the five topics we will cover in this tutorial:
Remove Black Spots with Spot Healing Brush
Make Your Eyes Look More Obvious
Use Surface Blur to Smooth Skin, instead of Gaussian Blur
Make Her Lips Look Even More Delicious
Add Colour Depth and Lighting Contrast to Hair

This is a before and after preview of the final result:



Ok Let’s get started!

In this tutorial, I use the following stock for demonstration purpose – Self 16. by ~The1stGrape-stock

The reason I chose this particular image is that it doesn’t look too bad from the beginning, however there are still things can be improved, perfect for beginners to get some practices on.
Remove Black Spots with Spot Healing Brush

Firstly if we take a look at the photo, we can see there are several black dots on her skin, as shown below:

To fix these, we can use the Spot Healing Brush tool, as shown below in the toolbox:

Simply grab the Spot Healing Brush, adjust the size of the brush to be slightly large than the black spot, and do a single-click on it:

You can see after the single-click, the black spot disappers:

Basically, what happen is that with the Spot Healing Brush tool, it takes samples of the surrounding skin colour pixels and use them to replace the black spot colour pixel. Magical, isn’t it?

Let’s use the same method to remove all black spots on her face, here is the effect so far:

Make Your Eyes Look More Obvious

Now let’s pay attention to her eyes, which are beautiful even without any retouching :) but, we can give them a bit more depth, here is how:

Duplicate the background layer once, set the blending mode as “Soft Light” for the duplicated layer, you will have the following effect:

You can see by doing so we in fact darken the whole image. However here we only want to add depth the eyes, so we need to hide the rest of the layer. To do so, go to layer > layer mask > hide all, then on the layer mask, use a White Brush to paint inside the eyes, as shown below:

By doing so we reveal the eyes portion of the layer only. Here is the effect after the painting:

Use Surface Blur to Smooth Skin, instead of Gaussian Blur

Now let’s make her skin go smoother a bit. To do so, we use Surface Blur. The reason I chose Surface Blur is because unlike Gaussian Blur (which blurs the whole image), Surface Blur retains the edge details. This eliminate the needs of adding a layer mask on the duplicated layer to reveal the edges.

So let’s duplicate the orginal background layer once, and apply the following Surface Blur settings to it:

Drop the opacity of the duplicated layer to around 70%, and you will have the following effect:

Make Her Lips Look Even More Delicious

To do so, we use the Lasso Tool to make a rough selection of the lips as shown below:

Hit Ctrl + J twice to make two duplicates of the selection, change the blending mode of the first copy to “Multiply“, with 100% opacity. Change the blending mode of the second duplicated layer to “Linear Light“, with 55% opacity.

Use a soft, round eraser to gently erase the edge of the lips, you will have the following effect:

Add another layer on top of all other layers, grab a soft round brush with White colour, gently paint around the lower lip to add some extra light:

Hint: set brush flow and opacity to both around 40%, this way we can gradually apply the brush effect.

Add Colour Depth and Lighting Contrast to Hair

Lastly, we can add some more depth to this girl’s hair. To do this, we can simply add a Curves Adjustment layer with the following settings:

Add the following layer mask to the Curves adjustment layer:

Here is our final effect: (You can see by adding the layer mask, we leave only the hair portion highlighted)

Optionally we add duplicate the orginal background layer and set the blending mode of the duplicated layer to “overlay”, reduce the opacity to 45%, you will have the following final effect: (click to enlarge)

That’s for this tutorial! Hope you enjoy it and find it useful, drop me a comment if you have any question, I will try my best to help you out.

Cara mengurangi keriput pada wajah

An elderly farmer. Image licensed from iStockphoto by Photoshop Essentials.comman’s face, especially around his eyes, are too inense and distracting:
Removing the wrinkles on the man’s face would be wrong, but reducing them would improve the image.
Let’s get started!

Step 1: Add A New Blank Layer

Tutorial Javascript

Buat teman-teman yang mulai atau lagi belajar javascript, berikut ada ebook dalam format PDF untuk belajar javascript mulai dari pemula sampai tingkat menengah. Yaitu Javascript Guide. Buku ini ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Daftar isinya adalah sebagai berikut

Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

EASEUS, Tools Mudah Untuk Membuat Partisi

Telah banyak bermunculan aplikasi pihak ke tiga untuk membuat volume disk yang baru. Tapi tahukan Anda? bahwa dengan sedikit kesalahan dari tools tersebut dapat menyebabkan komputer menjadi lelet. Apalagi jika volume yang di buat tidak clean sheet dari volume dasar.

EASEUS, Tools Mudah Untuk Membuat Partisi Image
Oleh karena itu, pURNAMA akan membagikan salah satu tutorial mudah untuk anda ikuti. Tentu saja masih dengan menggunaka

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Cara Mudah Merubah Languange Interface Pack Windows 7 Menjadi Bahasa Indonesia Image
Begitu pula halnya dengan apa yang terjadi dengan bahasa yang dipergunakan oleh sistem operasi Windows 7. O-iya, apakah Anda selama ini merasa bosan dengan tampilan
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Membuat Partisi Bagian Lain Untuk Dual OS di Windows 7

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Membuat Partisi Bagian Lain Untuk Dual OS di Windows 7 Image
Contoh kasus nya disini adalah misalnya kita mempunyai sistem operasi default yaitu Windows 7, Windows 7 mempunyai ruang di hard drive C dan D(misalnya). Nah, pada sistem operasi kedua, katakanlah disini anda ingin menggunakan Ubuntu, kita harus

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Cara Mudah Mungunci Desktop Windows 7 Layaknya di Windows 8, Mau? Image

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Remix Windows 7 Ke Dalam Windows XP

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Remix Windows 7 Ke Dalam Windows XP Image 

Untuk mengubah windows XP anda ke menjadi windows 7 anda pernah membaca tutorial dari kami yang berjudul Windows 7 Style Theme Pada Windows XP. Tutorial itu b

[Pemula] Merubah Suara System Pada Windows 7

[Pemula] Merubah Suara System Pada Windows 7 Image
Pada artikel terdahulu, banyak artikel yang membahas tentang tampilan secara visual seperti background pada Windows baik itu background Windows 7 atau XP. Sekarang, di sini yang akan dibahas adalah bagaimana cara merubah “suara latar” yang ada di windows 7. Jika anda belum mengerti apa itu “suara latar”, di sini akan diberikan sedikit penjelasan.

Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

[Pemula] Cara Mudah Merubah Icon System Tray di Windows 7

[Pemula] Cara Mudah Merubah Icon System Tray di Windows 7 Image 

Pada Windows 7, penanganan Icon System Tray akan banyak berbeda dengan yang ada di Windows XP. Anda bisa memilih dan melakukan setting, apakah icon tersebut ditampilkan atau disembunyikan.
Pada artikel ini akan dijelaskan bagaimana cara menampilkan, bagaimana cara menyembunyikan dan bagaimana cara melakukan kustomisasi pada system tray ini.

Cara Mudah Menginstall Windows 7 Dari Flash Disk

 Cara Mudah Menginstall Windows 7 Dari Flash Disk Image
 Jika pada suatu hari anda ingin menginstall atau melakukan upgrade OS Windows 7 di netbook, anda mungkin akan bertanya, mungkinkah bisa dilakukan tanpa menggunakan DVD eksternal? Pada tips kali ini, kami akan mencoba memberikan tutorial kepada anda bagaimana cara menginstall Windows 7 tanpa harus menggunakan DVD eksternal.

Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

Apa TrustedInstaller.exe di Windows 7 Itu?

Ketika anda membuka tast manager di Windows 7, anda mungkin akan menemui sebuah proses yang berjalan bernama TustedInstaller. Apakah itu? Dan kenapa, kadang proses TrustedInstaller memakan banyak resource procesor dan memory yang tentunya membuat Windows 7 berjalan lebih lambat? Bagaimana cara menonaktikfan proses tersebut?

Apa TrustedInstaller.exe di Windows 7 Itu? Image

Beikut ini akan berikan sedikit penjelasan mengenai hal tersebut:
Apakah TrustedInstaller.exe itu?

Mengenal Aplikasi Trillian Astra

Siapa yang tak kenal dengan social media seperti facebook, twitter dan LinkedIn? Ato siapa yang tak pernah komunikasi menggunakan instant messenger layaknya YM! Atau Gtalk? Atau siapa yang tak pernah berkirim email menggunakan Yahoo Mail atau Gmail? Hampir semua orang sudah pernah mencicipi social media, instant messenger atau aplikasi pengirim email yang telah disebutkan di atas.

Mengenal Aplikasi Trillian Astra Image
Bila sudah terhubung koneksi internet, biasanya facebook, twitter, YM! dan gtalk dibuka bersamaan satu per satu. Kelihatannya sepele, membuka aplika

Bagaimana Cara Mengetahui Informasi System Keseluruhan di Windows 7?

Jika anda bertanya bagaimana cara mengetahui speech (Spesifikasi lengkap) secara keseluruhan dari sebuah komputer atau notebook, artikel ini bisa menjadi panduan bagaimana cara melakukanya dengan cara mudah dan cepat. Trik ini menggunakan software pihak ke tiga yang bisa didapatkan dengan gratis.

Bagaimana Cara Mengetahui Informasi System Keseluruhan di Windows 7? Image

Tanpa banyak basa-basi lagi, ikuti petunjuk di bawah ini:

Tombol Hibernate Di Windows 7 Hilang Ke Mana Ya?

 Tombol Hibernate Di Windows 7 Hilang Ke Mana Ya? Image

Cerita ini berawal dari cerita beberapa hari yang lalu tentang menghilangnya tombol Hibernate pada notebook dengan sisten operasi Windows 7. Setelah beberapa kali mencari sumber di internet, akhirnya menemukan artikel yang menunjukkan bagaimana mengembalikan tombol Hibernate yang hilang pada sistem operasi Windows 7. Karena itu pula, tidak ada salahnya kalau hal itu saya coba share dengan pembaca lainnya di FastNCheap Blog.

Bagaimana Cara Membuka Folder Start Menu di Windows 7?

Jika anda sudah mahir dengan Windows, silahkan baca artikel lain yang lebih berbobot sebab trik ini khusus untuk pemula dan membahas pengetahuan awal tentang Windows 7 Operating System.

Bagaimana Cara Membuka Folder Start Menu di Windows 7? Image

Langsung saja! Jika anda sering menggunakan Windows XP, anda pasti pernah menggunakan fasilitas pembuka Windows Explorer dengan cara klik kanan pada Star


Anime Studio Pro

Anime Studio Pro is perfect for professionals looking for a more efficient alternative to tedious frame-by-frame detailing when creating quality animations. With an intuitive interface, pre-loaded content and powerful features such as a bone rigging system, integrated lip-syn

AnimatorDV Simple

A software for creating stop-motion animated movies. Some features: onion skin, frame averaging (video noise reduction), AVI export, RAM player, time-lapse tool.


Digital imaging and graphic design software is often the victim of one of two problems: either it's too advanced for everyone but expert users, or it's too basic to do anything very useful. FotoMorph is one of the rare programs that manage to deliver impressive results with very lit

Aurora 3D Animation Maker

When video editing or designing web pages, do you need to transform your text to a cool 3D animation that highlights your content? Or do you need to create a logo or watermark in the movie? Then the Aurora 3D Title Maker is simple to use 3D software to easily produce professional results. Web design is more than just choosing the right graphics and layout. You need eye-popping visuals that capture and hold your audience attention. Aurora3DAnimation lets you create awesome 3D animations that will take your text or logos to the next level. Using just a single timeline, you will be able to control all aspects of your animation, including the length, playback speed, and more.
Aurora 3D Animation Maker creates limitless special animation effects, as far as your creativity can go, to further liven up your creations. Imagine applying particle effects to simulate fireworks, smoke, snow, flame, or the emptiness of space. Or apply motion effects like Linear, Quad, Cubic, and Quit to add choreography like bounce and twists.
When you are absolutely pleased with your final result, Aurora 3D Animation Maker makes it easy to incorporate your animation into your website, giving you the options to export as Video, Flash(for windows), animated GIF, or as a sequence of images.
What's new in this version:
  • 1.Node can rotate by degree, easy make rotate 360 degree animation.
  • 2.Move nodes into a group from the hierarchy list.
  • 3.Support dutch language.
Click to see larger images 
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